Return & Exchange

If Approved, you can return products within 7 days from the date you receive them and we’ll refund the full cost of the item minus restocking fee & shipping charges.

The following returns policy is applicable to all items:

In general, an item may be eligible for return due to the following reasons.

  • Product was delivered in a physically damaged condition.
  • Wrong order received.

To be eligible for return:

  • All items must be returned in their original condition, with original accessories & fittings and in the original manufacturer’s box/packaging as delivered to you.
  • Products need to have a receipt or proof of purchase.
  • Products must be unused and in the same condition as received.

Further, please note:

  • Products marked as "non-returnable" on the product detail page cannot be returned.
  • In some cases, items may not be eligible for a return, including cases of buyer's remorse such as incorrect model or colour of product ordered or incorrect product ordered.
  • We do not refund shipping or freight charges on any returns.
  • Clearance / Sale items are not eligible for return.
  • There is a 21% restocking fee for returned items.
  • If a delivery is refused for any reason or considered undeliverable due to an invalid shipping address, you will be charged a penalty that may include, but is not limited to extra shipping charges. Please proofread your order information before finalizing.


  • For damaged items, we can offer a “replacement” only if the product is returned in right condition, with accessories & fittings and in the original manufacturer’s box/packaging.
  • Products need to have a receipt or proof of purchase.
  • Products must be unused and in the same condition as received.
  • The customer needs to request replacement within 7 days of the delivery of the item and submit the supporting images and videos as requested.


  • Products damaged after delivery will will be classified as "customer damage" and not eligible for return.